Stand up. Get on a plane. Go to Greece.

:-) Something like that !
Plus some sweaty moments sorting out, carrying, packing and organizing in-between.
The last days we have been wrapping up our material possessions. Some of the furniture we sold away. Some furniture and kitchen equipment we donated to refugees via organization called Convivial. We also carried many bags to Les Petits Riens, our longtime favorite flee market in Brussels selling stuff to finance social projects. A big part of my wardrobe I stuffed into huge waste bags and carried to my lovely colleague Hannariikka who keeps sending clothes and other stuff to those in need in Romania and Moldavia.
We wanted to keep our kitchen table and couch that were our precious discoveries from Les Petits Riens about one year ago. Also a self-made book-shelf and some clothes, some books, some papers, tools, some practical and personal things. All this needed to fit within 7 cubic meters, which was the space we had booked in a truck that would carry our possessions to Greece.
The truck was booked for Friday. Thursday morning they call us to tell us that they will already come today to pick up our stuff as the French borders will close for trucks at some point on Friday. Oops. Accelerated packing. High speed moving around midnight into a gigantic 17-meter mega-truck that would never be allowed to enter our narrow street in the daylight! We made it finally. The only damage was one bleeding forehead (Theo´s !) due to the closing elevator doors in the middle of the action. No plasters around the wound was quickly covered with a piece of toilet paper and duck tape.
Good thing about this Greek-style spontaneous and flexible (some would say chaotic?) way of doing things is that we could also get away with having a bit more than 7 cubic meters of stuff at the end of the day. Everyone smiles at the end - provided all goes well.
Our stuff was supposed to arrive in Athens initially yesterday. According to new schedule it will be tomorrow. Now all fingers crossed!
This is in fact the best kind of a yogic exercise to any person who is used to the Northern efficiency, rational logic and strict order: Simply observe what is and always work with the present moment. Surrender. Adjust. Let go of the need to control everything. Relax. Trust. Breath. Go with the flow. Smile - life is not something to be taken too seriously anyways!