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* * * Welcoming the Storms of Change

We are approaching the end of April and it´s freezing cold outside, it´s raining cats and dogs (feels like elephants and whales!) and then some heavy hailstorms with shy little flirtations of sun in-between. Just the perfect kind of a weather to leave the City.

My beloved companion and I are about to fly away and start a New Life.

Simple Country Life.

Minimalist Life.

Happy Life.

This is the core idea. Let´s see what happens. * * * Exciting !

You are most welcome to join us and follow some of our adventures in this blog.

We are looking for a New kind of Life with LESS in order to achieve MORE.

Less of the unnecessary material stuff and less needs.

Less of the gray cold concrete environment, less of the fake facades and appearances.

Less hassle and less stress. Less of the useless.

More of the significant meaningful stuff, more focus on the content and the value of our precious moments. Focusing on creating new life, cultivating our food, creating our house, creating added value by what we are doing, contributing to a better life.

Acting and contributing more where it is needed.

Less of the talk-talk and more of the do-do. Truly living the life we keep preaching of.

More of the authenticity, more Nature, more of the REAL STUFF, hands and feet deep in the soil.

More genuine communication and connecting, nurturing and caring for our environment.

More Love and dance and music and sun and swimming and yoga, please! This way, Maestro!

Healthier food, cleaner environment. Less internet. More presence. Deeper breaths.

* * * This is an experiment. We´ll see how it goes. Step by step.

No idea where I am really heading - but I am already happily on my way.

Feeling somehow very liberated and light right now!

Philosopher Alan Watts was an amazing soul that I admire greatly. His speeches and teachings are timeless and all of them feel so spot-on for the times we are living right now. This speech pretty much says in a nutshell all there is to say about WHY we have decided to embark on this journey towards a New Simple More Fulfilling Life in the Country.

What makes YOU itch? And what if money was no object?

Would be curious to hear your thoughts on this.

* * * Cheers!

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